Home design app

What’s the best layout for my home office design?

Your home office layout should serve your workflow and overall creative process. Ideally, this means home offices get their own dedicated room, but if space is limited they can be paired with a guest room or added into the nook of any bedroom, living room or kitchen. There are many options, so determine what’s best for you and your family. Regardless of where you set up shop, place crucial electronics and equipment within easy reach; computer monitors should be positioned so there is no glare, and lamps should be placed strategically around the entire room so there is as much light as possible.

Your work area should also be ergonomically sound. Given that you may spend countless hours in your desk chair, it should have a comfortable cushion, lumbar support and the ability to swivel and roll so you can easily reach items instead of straining for them. Your chair should also have adjustable arm rests that allow for your shoulders to stay relaxed and elbows bent at 90 degrees. As for your keyboard, you want the “B” key be directly centered in front of you. Don’t worry about having to go with a frumpy, commercial-looking office chair either; plenty of great home office ideas use unique dining or accent chairs for an updated look.

Make sure to give yourself a view. If you have a window in your space, set up your desk so you can look out of it. If not, put up an inspiring gallery wall or a unique wall hanging to set your gaze on when taking breaks. If you’ll be having clients in your home office, make sure there are ample (and comfortable!) seating options that are conducive to productive meetings.

Back to the ’70s

(Image credit: Swoon Editions)

So we can see that warmer colours, like oranges, yellows, and even rusty reds are rising up between the greige, plus house plants, terrazzo, leopard print, FRINGING, it is all getting a bit ’70s. This retro feel is starting to feel a bit cooler and dare we say starting to replace Mid-century modern and maybe even Boho style interiors? 

Personally, we can’t see ourselves wallpapering our bathrooms in orange and brown floral wallpaper anytime soon but there are still a few hints of nostalgia in the colours, shapes and textures that we can definitely get on board with. Check out our favourite retro geometric walls and wallpaper design ideas for inspiration.

Concealed kitchens

(Image credit: Hub Kitchens)

You may have already had the ingenious idea to disguise a pantry behind an integrated cabinet door or integrate your fridge into a kitchen unit, but have you considered concealing your entire kitchen?  Yep, that’s a thing now, and it’s become a huge design trend in the world of kitchen ideas this year. 

With living spaces getting smaller and storage getting smarter, clean, minimalist kitchens are getting increasingly popular. Items that once cluttered worktops – kettles, plug sockets, knife blocks, even taps and sinks – can now disappear into flush cabinets and uninterrupted surfaces to make the most of all space available. Nifty no? Perfect for open plan kitchen diners or for small kitchen design, they are great for creating a streamlined look in a contemporary kitchen, too.

The home bar

(Image credit: Malcolm Menzies Future)

We’ve been enjoying drinks indoors for quite some time now, pre and post-pandemic. And although lockdown restrictions have eased up a little, a home bar is still a must in every home this year and beyond. Indoors, this is a practical and very Gatsby-like addition, – depending on which you go for – think bar carts, cocktails chairs and plenty of neon signs…While if you want something that feels more like a beach club, this is a great garden idea and one of the coolest ways to unwind. 

Check out our pick of the best bar carts if you are feeling inspired to embrace this trend. 

Sustainable home interior design

(Image credit: Lapuan Kankurit)

Fast fashion is hot topic. People are starting to think more about where all our bags full of clothes actually come from and what they are made of. And, the same goes for what we buy for our homes. The hunt for sustainable furniture and the want to create an eco friendly house or living space, is on, as many of us are trying to shop more sustainably, and the great news is that more and more retailers are offering a selection of eco home interiors too. 

Top tips to nod to this (forever) trend is to choosing furniture made from natural materials that have been sustainably sourced. Timber, bamboo and the likes all have a low environmental footprint, look out for the FSC logo. And to reduce yours further, keep an eye out for furniture that has been made locally, and for products made from recycled materials – think rugs made from plastic bottles. 

Как установить Home Design 3D на ПК

Просто загрузите программное обеспечение BlueStacks 5 и следуйте инструкциям. Утилита основана на механизме создания виртуальной операционной системы Android на жестком диске ПК. Вы можете скачать и установить мобильную программу в новой гостевой операционной системе.

После завершения установки программы вы должны запустить ее с рабочего стола и сделать следующее:

  1. Сразу после запуска пользователям требуется авторизация. Это можно сделать с помощью вашей учетной записи Google.
  2. В главном меню программы найдите строку для просмотра магазина, введите исходное название приложения и нажмите Enter на клавиатуре.
  3. Выберите проект из списка найденных.
  4. Программа автоматически «переведет» пользователя на исходную страницу проекта в Маркете. Теперь загрузите приложение на свой компьютер, нажав кнопку установки.
  5. Дождитесь уведомления об успешном завершении установки, затем запустите проект с ПК.

Users Review

  • I love it!!

    I love this app it is wonderful, I can design and that is what I live to do, i can design any room I can think of. I would maybe like to make 1 suggestion of adding and option for exterior design also that would make the app just a bucket load of fun!!

  • The perfect assistant to the Floorplanner

    I can’t imagine my working life without the desktop floorplanner and the App! I LOVE THIS APP. Because I can just upload my rendered empty rooms and design different layouts for my clients in an EASY and FAST way, when I am in the metro or lining up for my coffee. One word: AWESOME!

  • It’s amazing

    This game is amazing because go get to design a room of your Choice, everything is free and it is amazing quality. I totally recommend this game to everyone.

  • Hooray! It’s back

    We are real estate professionals in South Florida.This has always been the easiest to use and most effective virtual design software. Homestyler is our first choice when staging. It helps Buyers visualize what the space can become. You made my day today when I found this back in the App Store. Hooray!

  • Senoria

    I’m a retired designer that works sometimes with friends and associates. I enjoy this app because it keeps me active and all creative juices flow. I’m so glad I’ve downloaded Homestyler, you’ve even added more rooms and scenery. Thanks so much!!! Keep up the good work of improving, with all Sincerity


    I made a review a while ago and I asked if they can add some more stuff and they did. Thank you so much for this app and add more things every once in a while it is awsome.

  • Favorite App

    I have always loved to design interiors, but I haven’t been able to fine an app that could really allow me to be creative. Until, I found this app.Praise to creators for the constant update dates, floor plans, and furniture! Definitely 5 stars!

  • Very relaxing

    Great fun designing your own rooms from photos or empty spaces provided.My favorite home design app.

  • Fantastic! !

    Absolutely Love Homestyler!I have been using it for a couple years and the recent improvements are fantastic!

  • Love!!!

    Truly enjoy this app! Great variety of materials and design products.Many templates to choose from.I can spend hours enjoying this app

  • Great all around

    It cost you no money, and has great features, like customizing your OWN rooms, you can take picture and put things in it, try it out.Now other design games can cost you a lot of money, but this one is completely free! It’s great.It has amazing rooms to choose from and categorizes the decorations, or you could just search them.

  • Why I love this game

    This game is really good because you make any time of room you want. You can even make a little bathroom and living room. It tells you to put your password in but everyone has to do that.

Обзор пользователей

  • Я люблю это!!

    Мне нравится это приложение, оно замечательное, я могу проектировать, и это то, чем я живу, я могу создать любую комнату, о которой только подумаю. Возможно, я хотел бы сделать 1 предложение о добавлении и опции для внешнего дизайна, что сделало бы приложение просто забавным!

  • Идеальный помощник поэтажного планировщика

    Я не могу представить свою трудовую жизнь без настольного планировщика и приложения! Я люблю это приложение. Потому что я могу просто загружать свои отрендеренные пустые комнаты и проектировать различные макеты для своих клиентов ЛЕГКО и БЫСТРО, когда я нахожусь в метро или готовлюсь к кофе. Одним словом: УДИВИТЕЛЬНЫЙ!

  • Это удивительно

    Эта игра удивительна, потому что вы можете выбрать дизайн комнаты по вашему выбору, все бесплатно и это потрясающее качество. Я полностью рекомендую эту игру всем.

  • Ура! Оно вернулось

    Мы профессионалы в сфере недвижимости в Южной Флориде. Это всегда было самым простым и эффективным программным обеспечением для виртуального дизайна. Homestyler — наш первый выбор при постановке. Это помогает покупателям визуализировать, каким может быть пространство. Вы сделали мой день сегодня, когда я нашел это в App Store. Ура!

  • Senoria

    Я бывший дизайнер, который иногда работает с друзьями и коллегами. Мне нравится это приложение, потому что оно поддерживает меня в активном состоянии и все творческие соки текут. Я так рад, что скачал Homestyler, вы даже добавили больше комнат и декораций. Спасибо!!! Продолжайте в том же духе улучшения, со всей искренностью


    сделал обзор некоторое время назад, и я спросил, могут ли они добавить еще кое-что, и они сделали. Большое спасибо за это приложение и добавляйте больше вещей время от времени, это потрясающе.

  • Любимое приложение

    Мне всегда нравилось проектировать интерьеры, но я не смог найти приложение, которое действительно позволило бы мне быть креативным. Пока я не нашел это приложение. Хвала создателям за постоянные даты обновления, планы этажей и мебель! Определенно 5 звезд!

  • Очень расслабляет

    Большое удовольствие, создавая свои собственные комнаты из фотографий или предоставленных пустых мест. Моё любимое приложение для домашнего

  • Фантастика!

    Абсолютно люблю Homestyler! Я использую его пару лет, и недавние улучшения просто фантастические!

  • Любить!!!

    По-настоящему наслаждайтесь этим приложением! Большое разнообразие материалов и дизайнерских продуктов. Множество шаблонов на выбор. Я могу часами наслаждаться этим приложением

  • Отлично все вокруг

    Это не стоит вам денег и имеет отличные функции, такие как индивидуальная настройка ваших собственных комнат, вы можете сфотографировать и положить в них вещи, попробовать. Теперь другие дизайнерские игры могут стоить вам много денег, но эта совершенно бесплатная! Это замечательно. У него есть удивительные комнаты на выбор и они классифицируют украшения, или вы можете просто искать их.

  • Почему я люблю эту игру

    Эта игра действительно хороша, потому что вы делаете в любое удобное для вас время. Вы даже можете сделать небольшую ванную комнату и гостиную. Он говорит вам, чтобы ввести свой пароль, но каждый должен это сделать.

Похожие приложения

  • Planner 5D — Home & Interior Design Creator — это функциональное приложение, которое помогает пользователям создавать макеты комнат, дизайн интерьера, планы (включая планы этажей любой сложности), а также ландшафтный дизайн. Он подходит для «повседневного» использования в том случае, когда необходимо прикинуть, что и как он будет выглядеть, если вы сделаете ремонт и так далее, а также для профессиональной деятельности людей, которые зарабатывают на жизнь такими услугами.
  • iCanDesign — отличный виртуальный планировщик интерьера, который поможет вам создать уникальный дизайн для любой комнаты за несколько минут. С ним справится даже начинающий пользователь, все кнопки удобно расположены, а элементы интерьера легко перемещаются одним касанием пальца. Здесь всегда есть возможность выбрать из огромной коллекции представленных дизайнерских решений, которая постоянно пополняется.

Pink, and not just millennial pink

(Image credit: Furniture Village)

Bet you the last time you wanted to redecorate a room pink you were probably about 11. But after a decade or two of being associated with tweens’ bedrooms, pink is most definitely back!

There are, however, a few rules for mastering this candy colour. First one being, avoid anything that vaguely reminds you of a colour Barbie would wear; blush-toned, muted pinks are the way to go. And keep finishes matt – anything shiny and pink, and you are entering six-year-old’s bedroom territory again. 

So, with those little gems of wisdom in mind, go and check out our pink room ideas. 

How do I add storage to my home office?

Home office organization is key, especially with all the bills, mail and statements you receive and keep throughout the year. The best way to store your papers is by investing in a filing cabinet. A rolling cabinet can help with convenience, or splurge on a more permanent, lockable one if you have a lot of sensitive documents. Be sure to label and color code so that everything is easy to find. With shelves and cabinets, built-ins are your best options. Built-in shelves are an elegant way to store your book collection while drawers with tray organizers keep track of staples like pens, pencils, highlighters, tape and calculators.

Two toned kitchen cabinets

(Image credit: Fritz Fryer)

Say goodbye to stark white kitchens, colour is definitely creeping in (again). And not just one colour, oh no, we’ve been seeing a huge trend in painting kitchen cabinets in two different colours. Crazy stuff we know. A frequent iteration of the look includes using a darker colour for the lower cabinets and a lighter shade for shelves and cabinets that sit higher up. Think creamy, neutral coloured cabinets above and a darker, dramatic colour for the lower cabinets.

And if a bold paint colour isn’t quite your vibe you can also get those look using contrasting materials. What we love about this trend is you can make it work for pretty much any style kitchen, from super modern to a traditional Shaker. 

You can easily DIY this kitchen trend yourself, just check out our guide to painting kitchen cupboards. 

Blue is the new grey

(Image credit: Katie Lee)

Yep, we said it, we never thought it would happen but our love for grey has been pushed out by blue! And if you don’t believe us, believe Pantone. Not to boast or anything, but we did have a sneaky suspicion that the Pantone Colour of the Year 2020 was going to be blue. It felt like it was time for a blue. The 2020 colour is called Classic Blue, and it’s just that: a classic blue. It’s clean and elegant but also really uplifting so works perfectly in a living room and (in comparison to the last few years) it’s a really easy colour to incorporate into most parts of your home. 

For loads of blue room ideas to get you inspired, check out our feature. 

How do I decorate my home office?

When looking for home office decorating ideas, always think in terms of inspiration; your work area should be functional but also reflective of the things that motivate you. While home offices are conventionally formal spaces, you can definitely branch out with your decor. If you’re looking for office wall colors, find a paint that energizes you or go with patterns or stripes for variation. Globes, maps and clocks are always go-to pieces, as are table lamps and vases.

To give your work area a personalized touch, bring in framed family photographs and travel souvenirs you’ve picked up along the way. For those must-have accessories, like pencil cups, paper trays and magazine holders, try using bright, vibrant patterns to add a pop of color or even novelty pieces that will make you smile every time you look at them. Bulletin boards, chalkboards or whiteboards are also great home office ideas; they’re perfect for reminders and can also be used to hold pictures or artwork.

Crittall style windows and doors

(Image credit: Crittal)

Crittall-style windows have been staging a comeback and those dreamy black frames have been filling up our Pinterest pages for the last few months. But we are now seeing them used not just as windows and doors, but for extensions, room dividers and even shower screens. We can easily see why everyone is obsessed with them in the home interior design world – the graphic look definitely taps into the industrial trend that’s still going strong, plus they are great way to bring a ton of light into a space. 

Have a read through our buyer’s guide to metal doors and windows to get this look spot on. 

How do I choose the right desk for my home office design?

When picking out your desk (or desks, for a large family space), be sure to consider its overall function. If this is your only office, it’s important to select a sturdy desk that can contain all your work documents in one place; it should look professional and be double-sided so you can hold meetings. To prevent any work/home mix-ups, have a separate desk for the rest of the family to use, and ensure your workspace is off limits. If your kids use the room as a homework spot, try a two-person desk or even an extended built-in counter where several can sit at one time. If you primarily use the space for odds and ends, a smaller, fashionable secretary desk might do the trick, as long as you have additional storage options.

Возможности приложения для ПК

Пользователи должны стать настоящими профессиональными дизайнерами. Здесь вы найдете большой выбор разнообразной мебели, множество вариантов отделки, рекомендации и интересные задания. И это еще не все, что предлагает Home Design 3D.

Полезно знать!
Приложение предлагает нам два режима, где первый предусматривает проезд по сельской местности, а второй просто бесплатное строительство. Выбирая первый вариант, нужно выполнять разные задачи, например, обустроить конкретный дом, офис, квартиру или шале по определенным критериям или стилю. В бесплатном режиме никаких ограничений нет, ремонт можно делать так как хочешь.

Полезно знать!
В настройках приложения вы можете активировать специальные советы по дизайну, советы по правильной расстановке мебели, света и рекомендации по сочетанию цветов.

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